What others are saying about Keith Ranches

Don Blazer - Teaches the course ‘Make Money with Horses’ for www.horsecoursesonline.com

"Make Money With Horses"
by: Don Blazer

The next time someone tells me you can’t make money with horses, I’m going to reply: Jackie Keith.

​Jackie Keith is making money as a horse dealer by doing the 6 things every horse business needs to do to be successful.

First, Jackie Keith is focused.   He’s dedicated to selling horses.  Successful as a businessman in years past, Keith decided he wanted to enjoy a new career with horses, so he set out to do what so many say can’t be done.

Second, Keith selected a niche within the market.  He sells nice gentle horses that virtually anyone can ride. Notice I didn’t say he sold show horses, or jumping horses or a specific breed of horse.  He isn’t trying to be everything to everyone.  Keith doesn’t care if the horse is short or tall, long or lean, pinto or bay….he just cares that the horse is gentle and a very solid ride.

​Third, Keith is a different kind of horse trader.  ​Primarily he trades his horses on the Internet.  (www.keithranches.com) and he guarantees every horse to be what you want or you can exchange the horse for another until you find that perfect horse for you.  

​On the website, Keith shows pictures of the horses he has for sale, and, of course, each has a “name”.  Shown by appointment only, Keith is blunt about his rules of purchase.  You have an exchange guarantee unless you bring a trainer or veterinarian with you to see the horse.

​“Trainers and vets are supposed to know what they are doing,” Keith says.  “So if they okay the horse you buy, then that’s your horse.  I’m not going to be responsible for their mistakes.”

​When you come to try out a horse, Keith has plenty of equipment for your use and purchase.  “We’ll put the tack on the horse that you like and feels good to you.  If one saddle doesn’t fit right, we’ll change saddles until we find the one that does fit and feels good.”

​Fourth, Keith has his “credentials.”  Born and raised on Texas ranches, Keith knows what it means to use horses for work every day.  His experience turned into success proves he knows what he’s doing.

​Fifth, Keith is an expert at selling horses, because he’s an expert at buying horses.  Keith says he looks at a dozen or more horses before he buys one.  And out of every 5 that he buys, he’s says there will be at least two which he’ll discover won’t work for him.

​Keith employs several riders that “test”, condition and polish the training the horse already has.

“When my riders say a horse is ready for sale, I know that horse is gentle and can be handled by a beginner, novice or intermediate rider.”

​Finally, Keith is a great networker.  He considers one of the keys to his success is having so many “networkers” finding horses for him.

​There is no way I could travel all over the country looking for horses, Keith says, so it’s imperative people bring horses to me.  They know what I want by now.  I have no trouble telling them to “take a hike” if they bring me junk horses.

​Visit Keith’s website.  It’s enjoyable and a real education.

​Don Blazer teaches the course Make Money With Horses for www.horsecoursesonline.com.  The course can earn the student credit toward a Bachelor’s degree or Professional Certification. 

Gary and Jeanne Hahn, Mason TX - Horse named Tyler

Hi Jackie!
I love the changes to the website, very nice! I had someone call me from Brady a few weeks ago wanting a reference on you, and of course I gave you a great one! We have bought 4 horses from you over the years and they have all been awesome. Gary is getting along really well with the big sorrel gelding he bought from you last April, not only is he a steady trail horse, he is a fantastic team penning horse, he finished in the top 10 in the fall series last year, and will be chasing points again this year. Tyler, the paint gelding I bought from you a couple of years ago, is my favorite, not only does he trail ride and team pen, we won honorable mention in a photo contest in the Pinto Horse Association of America contest, pretty cool since we were up against show horses, etc. Take care and if you ever need a reference, you have my number, feel free to have them call me.
Jeanne Hahn

W Dallas Moore - Horse named Dakota

I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with Bush (more recently AKA Dakota). After arriving home, I fed and watered him, then saddled him up (with the new saddle and tack I purchased from you).  I took him on 45 minute to hour ride around the area here.  He was great.  He did everything I asked him to do, and nothing I didn’t ask him to do.  I was very comfortable on him.  I’m looking forward to taking him out on the Children’s Hospital ride in two weeks.

Please pass on my regards and appreciation to Jodie and the two wonderful young ladies you have working for you.  I really enjoyed visiting with you all.

Gwen Norris

I met Jackie Keith a few years ago when he came to my boarding barn near San Marcos to pick up a boarders horse.  I have always remembered him because he seemed to be very honest & straight forward in how he describes his horses. 

I wanted to write a big thank you and glowing review of my experience with Mr. Jackie Keith and his wife, Jodie. Yesterday was my one year “Gotcha Day” with my horse, who I’ve renamed Ozzy. Ozzy is exactly the horse that I was looking for, but it was definitely a process as it should be. It took a lot of test driving different horses to finally select Ozzy. I shared my criteria with Mr. Keith and we stayed in touch as he would bring new horses in. I took on one horse that ended up not being a great match for me, and Mr. Keith allowed me to return him as per his guarantee listed on his site. Several months later, I visited again to try out two horses that were almost polar opposites in energy - one was a great kids horse and the other was a bit higher spirited for my liking. Jackie encouraged me to check out “4-J” (now Ozzy). Mr. Keith knew that I am basically starting over again as a rider, but also knew that I needed something I could learn from. I knew instantly “4J” was the one. The Keith’s were always supportive during the process, and available for advice along the way. Fast-forward to today, Ozzy and I have built a really good relationship. He’s been wonderful, super safe, and loves to learn new things. Thank you so much for pairing me with this big red guy!

Erin Grey

Dora Cseke, European Economic and Social Committee

Hi Jackie and Jodie,
I was surfing in the internet looking for gentle horses for sale (in Europe though...) and accidentally I bumped into your website. It's an amazing job what you do, congratulations! All those lovely horses, I wish I could ride one of them! Best wishes from one European fan of yours!